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About the museum

Organisation & management

Designmuseum Danmark is a self-governing institution and a special museum recognised by the Danish government. The museum is non-profit and receives public support under the Museum Law from the Danish Ministry of Culture and the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces as main grantors. The museum is lead by a Board chosen by the museum representative office. Daily management is carried out by the museum’s director, who operates the museum with the help of a management group as well as a large number of talented staff within the museum’s core areas.



Designmuseum Danmark is led by Anne-Louise Sommer, Museum Director and adjunct professor.

Management team

  • Anne-Louise Sommer, Museum Director
  • Kristian Rise, Deputy director
  • Allan Kulsø Larsen, Head of Operation & Security
  • Christian Holmsted Olesen, Head of Exhibitions and Collections
  • Lene Bruun Bolin, Chief Financial Officer
  • Mille Maria Steffen-Nielsen Smith, Head of Communications
  • Laura Elkjær, Team Leader
  • Tina Street Lundqvist, Team leader
  • Pia Saabye, Store manager
  • Sara Fruelund, Librarian & Team Leader

Contact: Find a staff member


The Board is responsible for the overall leadership of the museum and the museum operations, and it draws up guidelines for the museum’s work based on approvals from the museum’s representative office and the museum’s articles of association.

The current Board of Designmuseum Danmark:

  • Henrik Tvarnø. Dir. (Chairman)
  • Jeppe Skadhauge. Advokat. (Vice-chairman)
  • Camilla Mordhorst. CEO
  • Helle Søholt. CEO
  • Dan Boyter. CEO
  • Anne Cathrine Wolsgaard Iversen, Curator (Employee representative)

Representative office

The Representative Office consists of persons chosen by private and public institutions within the design field.

Designmuseum Danmark’s Representative Office functions as a contact between the museum and these organisations. The Representative Office chooses the Board.

The Representative Office is chosen by the following organisations:

    • Dansk Industri (3 medlemmer)
    • SMVdanmark (2 medlemmer)
    • C. L. Davids Fond & Samling (1 medlem)
    • Designmuseets Venner (5 medlemmer)
    • KADK – Det Kongelige Akademi – Arkitektur, Design og Konservering (1 medlem)
    • Nationalmuseet (1 medlem)
    • Design Denmark (1 medlem)
    • Medarbejderrepræsentanter fra museet (2 medlemmer)

    Current representatives

    Henrik Tvarnø, direktør
    Jeppe Skadhauge, advokat
    Per Vangekjær, malermester
    Joachim Meyer, museumsdirektør
    Lars Højer, vicedirektør
    Adam Pade, redaktør
    Lene Brix, arkitekt
    Annette Estø, direktør
    Mathilde Aggebo, fagleder
    Camilla Mordhorst, CEO
    Helle Søholt, CEO
    Pil Bredahl, designer
    Dan Boyter, CEO
    Hanne Dalsgaard, Designer
    Lone Rahbek
    Anne Cathrine Wolsgaard Iversen, museumsinspektør (medarbejderrepræsentant)
    Tina Street Lundqvist, teamleder velkomst og front (medarbejderrepræsentant)