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Arne Jacobsen, 3102, Tungen, 1955

Tungen eller Slipset adskiller sig fra de andre stole i Jacobsens stoleserie. Den er Jacobsens mest enkle stol og hans egen favorit. Sædet er meget lille, og de tilhørende ben, som er anderledes end på de andre stole, gør, at den ikke kan stables. Den blev tegnet med henblik på at være en lærerstol på Munkegaardsskolen, men var ikke i produktion ret længe. Modellen blev dog flere gange kortvarigt sat i produktion igen.

Arne Jacobsen, 3102, The Tongue, 1955

The Tongue differs from the other chairs in Jacobsen’s series. His simplest chair, it was
his personal favourite. The seat is very small, and due to the design of the legs, which were different from those on the other chairs, the chair cannot be stacked. It was intended as a teacher’s chair at the Munkegaard School, but was not produced for very long, although production was briefly resumed on several occasions.