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Verner Panton, Panton Chair, 1960/1967-68

Den berømte stabelstol i plastic er verdens første masseproducerede stol, hvor ben, sæde og ryg er i ét stykke plastic. Den kulørte stol afspejler 1960’ernes nye forbrugskultur, popalderens legekultur samt bruddet med snedkertraditionen. Panton lavede den første prototype af stolen i 1960, men den kom først i produktion nogle år senere hos Vitra.


Verner Panton, Panton Chair, 1960/1967–68

The famous plastic stacking chair is the world’s first mass-produced chair made of a single piece of plastic, with its base, seat and back as one form. The brightly coloured chair reflects 1960s consumerism, playful pop culture and departure from the cabinetmaking tradition. Panton made the first prototype of the chair in 1960, but it was not put into production until a few years later, by Vitra.